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Why I Give: Jamie Menges and PDS Planning

At the Dublin Food Pantry, we are fortunate to have the support of our entire community as we work to provide food and essential resources for our neighbors in need. We could not do what we do daily without the support of the City of Dublin, our corporate sponsors, and our friends and community members who have stepped up to help our community.   

We would love to introduce you to a few of our donors and share with you why each of them has chosen to support the Dublin Food Pantry and our capital campaign to help us secure a new, larger home for the pantry. Stay tuned for more stories from our donors on why they have chosen to support the Dublin Food Pantry. Now, let’s meet Jamie Menges, CFP®, CPA, of PDS Planning to learn more about his personal and professional commitment to #FeedDublin. 

PDS Planning | Jamie Menges  

Jamie and his wife, Terri, moved to Dublin from Downtown Columbus in 2004 and started their family in 2009. They have been here ever since and their two children attend Dublin City Schools, in the 9th and 6th grades, respectively. As a family, they are passionate about Dublin, and particularly Bridge Park, the many opportunities to play golf and tennis, and all of the opportunities found in Coffman Park – from the Dublin Irish Festival to the Kiwanis Frog Jump and everything in between.  

While PDS Planning was originally located in Grandview, when the team began the process of relocating, it became clear the majority of their clients were located in northwest Columbus. With Jamie and several other team members already calling Dublin home, it made sense to make the move and the city was very helpful throughout the process of relocating to Metro Place in Dublin.   

Jamie first became aware of the Dublin Food Pantry around 2006 when he and Terri joined the Dublin Community Church, which houses the pantry. And it was after long-time Kiwanis member, Clay Rose, shared his eye-opening experience of volunteering at the pantry that Jamie decided to get involved. Jamie says that helping clients shop at the pantry – at the time it was a CHOICE pantry – one night per month helped him “recognize there was a need in Dublin.” Like many, he says, “I didn’t realize that there are many people I came into contact with throughout the day who are dealing with food insecurity.”   

This experience has driven Jamie to become an avid supporter of the Dublin Food Pantry, both personally with his family and professionally through PDS Planning. As a family, Jamie, Terri, and the kids determined what it would cost each month to feed a family of four, and have committed to it as their monthly contribution. It’s because he experienced first-hand as a volunteer the need to grow the space that he was an early contributor to the #EveryoneEatsHere capital campaign. He also has graciously agreed to serve as the master of ceremonies for the upcoming Bounty at Bridge Park fundraising event hosted by the pantry on September 17th.   

Why PDS Planning Gives

PDS Planning has chosen to support the Dublin Food Pantry at the corporate level through contributions to the capital campaign. It also has involved employees in supporting the Pantry through the PDS Cares program that matches employee contributions to local non-profits each year. They also hosted an open house during the early days of the capital campaign to help educate their clients about the need for the pantry and they continue to promote the pantry to their clients as a way to use their charitable dollars through donor-advised funds.   

While Jamie has yet to see the new home of the Dublin Food Pantry that he is working so hard for, he has been an active supporter of the project since the earliest planning discussions. “The new site will raise awareness of the pantry to the whole community.” He notes, “It is a fantastic location due to its proximity to bus routes, and geographically, it is centrally located to serve those most in need. It is an exciting place for families to find refuge and also to obtain wraparound services in addition to basic food needs.”  

For those who are still not convinced that there is an issue of food insecurity in the Dublin community, he is quick to point out, “The growth of our community has outpaced our ability to solve problems that arise with growth. In the process of that growth comes people that need support.” To Jamie’s way of thinking, each of us has the choice to be part of the problem or part of the solution. “The #EveryoneEatsHere campaign allows the citizens of Dublin to be part of the solution.” 

With nearly unmatched passion, Jamie explains that the Dublin community has done an incredible job of supporting both large and small companies and providing an opportunity for business owners and operators to thrive.

“Dublin is a melting pot of people and opportunity. From our engaged city government to the compassion of citizens and our impeccable school district, it is an incredible place to call home. But even with all the sun shining around us, we have to look for our neighbors who may be hiding in the shadows and help those we can.”  

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