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Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a need for a food pantry in Dublin? 

While there has always been a need in the community, there has been a significant increase over the past two years.

  • In 2019, the pantry served an average of 313 pantry visits helping about 950 residents per month.
  • In 2022, pantry visits increased over 110 percent to 663 visits per month serving nearly 2,700 individuals, over 1,000 of whom were minor children aged 0-17 years.
  • At the end of 2023, pantry visits had increased to 917 a month–nearly triple the monthly average in 2019. The number of unique households served annually jumped from 825 to 2,744 over the same period.

Who comes to the Dublin Food Pantry? 

The Dublin Food Pantry serves community members living in the City of Dublin and the Dublin City School District. The Pantry is open four days a week to serve our neighbors in need. About 65 households come to the pantry for service every day that we are open and serving customers.

Nearly 70% of our shoppers are the working poor, struggling to make ends meet and make difficult choices daily. Many pantry customers must choose between food and competing costs for rent, utilities, medical care, and other expenses.

Many households experiencing food insecurity are not able to qualify for federal nutrition programs, so they must visit local food pantries like ours to get the help they deserve. In 2023 our customer population included 4,070 children aged 0-17 and 815 adults aged 60+.

Where is the new home of the Dublin Food Pantry? 

Dublin Food Pantry now operates out of its first permanent facility, a larger, more accessible building at 6608 Dublin Center Drive. Shoppers enjoy increased interior space, additional parking spaces, and the return of choice pantry service, in which customers are able to select the foods they prefer in a more market-like setting. The facility includes room for customers to consult with other organizations that assist with housing, healthcare, and other basic needs. The new building is surrounded by several COTA bus stops, making it accessible for Dublin residents and families.

What can you do? 

Help us to ensure Everyone Eats Here. Our $3 million comprehensive capital campaign to purchase, renovate, and operate this permanent home for the Dublin Food Pantry continues. We have raised nearly $2.4 million to date, which has allowed us to move into the new building. Please consider helping with a monetary gift to offset ongoing operational expenses.

  • Make a donation.
  • Help us spread the word by engaging with us on social media.
  • Be part of the conversation using #feeddublin

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